I will get my product noticed with my commercial and print advertisement that will correspond to each other and in turn create the start of a great campaign. It speaks to the target market in so many ways and I’m almost positive the company will put it on the website for customers to see. I’m going to put it on youtube and hope I get hits by linking it to my Facebook page, blogs, and Twitter. The commercial itself stars a girl that falls into the target market. Customers of the company will be able to identify with her and this will endear the consumers to the brand. The commercial will be effective in making the audience recognize the brand because of the way the commercial is shot and combined with the music. The print ad will correspond to the commercial by containing familiar images that the audience will already be familiar with. I chose print and broadcast as a way to reach the audience because these are two forms of advertising that the market pays the most attention to. Also both advertisements can be broadcast on the website and the company blog as well. This way they get the most exposure and reach the largest amount of the market. By being creative in the advertisements themselves, it will create a buzz around the company and help to brand them in the long run. The more buzz created, the more customers they can expect to see just from people wanting to see what everyone is talking about all over their favorite social media websites.
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